(Yes, this is me at 28 weeks pregnant! I'm in the home stretch!)

Then, because I had about 2 feet of fabric left, I decided to make my gestating daughter a matching dress. I made a pillowcase style dress, but without the drawstring. I didn't want her to get a shoulder strap caught on something and end up choking herself! So I put some 1/2" elastic in the casing instead. I've got to run to the store and pick up some bias tape binding, which I'm going to put around the armholes and use that for the shoulder ties. I hope to find some matching fabric to make bloomers out of too! This dress is suggested to fit 6 months to 18 months (though likely as a shirt by 18 months).

(Tutorial to follow when the dress is all finished!)
It's so cute! I love the pattern and the dress is a flattering shape which can be hard to find when pregnant sometimes! I am hoping to get pregnant again soon and I always feel like I don't have enough fitting maternity clothes so maybe I should make some too!! Thanks for sharing!